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Our Norm Tribute display in the showroom November 1, 2012








In Issue Thirty-Six of The Rodder's Journal:

Von Franco Clones Norm Grabowski's "Kookie" T

Issue 36 (Cover B) of the Rodders Journal Featuring

The Kookie T owned by John LaBelle

Von Franco's Lightnin' Bug is featured on issue 36 (Cover A)

of The Rodders Journal (not shown)


Yes.....this is our good buddy ..........Norman


Von Franco's Clones in the showroom at Sacramento Vintage Ford



Unloading The Kookie T at Sacramento Vintage





Norm's LIGHTNIN' BUG Postcard - The Originial Bug with Norm 'Back In The Day'


Von Franco (left) and Norm Grabowski (right) with the Original Kookie T



Another Back In The Day Shot With Norm


Lightnin' Bug During Construction at Von Franco's


The 'Bug' at the Sacramento Vintage booth during set-up day at the 2007 San Francisco Rod and Custom Show

More shots at the 2007 San Francisco Rod and Custom Show:


That's John LaBelle on the left and Von Franco


'Norm Grabowski' on the right with his 48 ounce hand carved wood beer mug saying

'Drink Responsibly'

and buy your parts from Sacramento Vintage!

Franco 'working' the Sacramento Vintage booth while answering

questions about the Kookie T's


Cool Awards at The San Francisco Rod & Custom Show

'Suede Division'


Endsville.....time to go home!

At The 2007 Sacramento Autorama:

Left to right: Von Franco's Lightnin' Bug, John LaBelle's Kookie T

and Tom Pagano's Hemi-Powered 'T'



We Have Limited Authorized Norm Stuff in the Gift Shop!




This is a COOL poster! and.....only $15.

Autographed by Mr Norman Grabowski!


Visit Von Franco Studios and Buy Stuff!


All images copyright Sacramento Vintage Ford Inc, The Rodders Journal, Von Franco,

John LaBelle and Norm Grabowski.