2007 Rod and Custom Americruise      2007 Rod & Custom Americruise      2007 Rod and Custom Americruise


The 2007 Rod and Custom Americruise hits Sacramento Vintage, the final stop for the day.

They arrived a bit later than expected from Los Angeles but they made it!

(Click on the above photo to see our photo album)


More of the Primedia Staff Unpacking the Woody!

(left to right)

Yasmin Fajatin, Kevin Lee and Angela Schoof

Primedia brings us several enthusiast magazines including:

Classic Trucks, Custom Classic Trucks, Kit Car, Rod & Custom and Street Rodder


Be sure to check out the July 2007 issue of Rod & Custom Magazine!

One of the feature cars is 'Brizio's Bomb' a '55 Chevy owned by Roy Brizio of Roy Brizio Street Rods in South San Francisco.

This just completed car stopped by with a few of the Brizio Team for a Coke and BBQ then got ready for the trip to Lincoln, Nebraska the next morning.

Click on the above photo to check out the build pics of Roy's car at the Brizio Site




Rod & Custom Magazine Editor, Kevin Lee registers another participant for the Americruise


Matt with Sacramento Vintage and his Model A Coupe

John LaBelle and his Model A Delivery

The Primedia 'After Party' in the Chrome Grille at Sacramento Vintage

That's Tim Foss, standing on the far right, Publisher of

Classic Trucks, Custom Classic Trucks, Kit Car, Rod & Custom and Street Rodder Magazines

('After Party' beverages included iced tea, sodas, malts and shakes!)

Kim (l) and Stephanie (R) with Sacramento Vintage

('Man, these Primedia folks really put away the shakes !

OK........ who ordered the Lo-Fat Double Chocolate Oreo Malt with extra sprinkles, extra whipped cream and a cherry?')




Kathy with Sacramento Vintage and Lou Leto, Marketing Director with Rod & Kulture Illustrated

Magazine checking out the latest issue!


We will have a more pictures up soon in our Photo Album

at Vintage Fridays.com

(click the above link)